Here are a few exciting things happening at Perrone Group.

The OSU Foundation exceeded their FY’13 direct mail annual giving revenue goal in February 2013

Goal: Increase average gift size to Oregon State University’s President’s Circle.

Strategy: Engage current and recently lapsed members of OSU’s President Circle with a distinctive direct mail appeal. Develop messaging completely geared toward increasing average gift (no focus on participation), training donors to become major gift folks.

Direct Mail Appeal: The intent was to provide an appeal to a highly targeted constituent group that was both impressive in content and graphic presentation. The mail package components included: a personalized letter thanking the donor for past support and asking for a President Circle level gift, a four page proposal personalized with the donor’s past giving history (with designations) and outlining three major areas of ‘Priority Giving Impact” – Colleges/Departments, President’s Fund For Excellence, Presidential Scholarships, full page response form with targeted ask array and giving history for each of the past five (5) fiscal years, courtesy reply envelope. All contents were collated with a gold paper clip and inserted in a hand addressed 9x12 booklet envelope.

The appeal mailed in late November 2012.

Results: 3.87% response rate. Average gift increased by 125%.

“At Oregon State, our annual giving program is focused on increasing a donor’s average gift size. Our proposal mailing campaign is a key component of this pipeline strategy, delivering an average gift of $2,432, over a 125% increase over our typical direct mail piece. This solicitation piece enables us to upgrade our donors in an accelerated timeline and prepares them to make their first major gift.”

Lacie LaRue
Senior Director of Annual Giving Programs
Oregon State University Foundation

Oregon State University Foundation has partnered with Perrone Group since 2007 to enhance the performance of their annual giving direct marketing program. The OSU Foundation exceeded their FY’13 direct mail annual giving revenue goal in February 2013 – five (5) months prior to fiscal year end.

For more information contact:
Paul Barry, Perrone Group .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Lacie LaRue, Oregon State University Foundation .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

The mail package components